
Picture of My Favorite Series of Books!! (Harry Potter!!)

This is my favorite series of books. They rock. I in love with these books!!


My Favorite Female Singer!! (Taylor Swift!!)

This is my favorite female singer, Taylor Swift! I hope you like her because she is awesome!!


Picture of My Favorite Actress!! (Emma Watson!!)

This is a a picture of Emma Watson. She is my favorite actress. She's so BEAUTIFUL!!!


Pictures of Dolphins

This is pictures of dusky, bottlenose, & Atlantic spotted dolphins. My favorite animal is a dolphin!

Picture of the National Cherry Festival in Michigan

Something That Reflects Me

This picture reflects my emotions. My emotions are crazy, funny, smart, & creative. That's why the picture is crazy because of my emotions.


KetchupLover Got His Braces Off & We CELEBRATED!!

My brother Ketchuplover got his braces off today which is Thursday, July 30th. The orthdontics he goes to is Stewart & Labbe, it's too bad I have to get braces again! Anyway, my family and I celebrated with Apple Cider & balloons. 2 years when I get braces off again I get to celebrate with Apple Cider & balloons too! Before I get my braces on agian I have to have oral surgery to remove my two wisdom teeth, but it won't hurt and my dad promised me to have Maggie Moo's ice cream after the oral surgery, so I'm not too depressed! Blog to everybody tommorow!!



Shout Out!!

Shout Out!!
Please send me a comment on one of my blog entries!!


Molly & Madison's Dog Bites Me!!

Did I ever tell you I was bitten my a dog?! My cousins dog to me exact!! Let me tell everybody about it. I was it my cousins' house in Michigan they had just got home and their dog Remy had been in a kettle for 3 days. So when my family and I got to their house we settled in for couple minutes and then my Aunt Barbara and had her dog Remy who just been given a bath and had just had it's teeth brushed too. My Aunt Barbara had released him to sniff my dad's hand and I got off the couch at the same time he was heading to my dad. I headed at the to his back he must have smelled because he turned around, jumped up, & bit. It was bleeding a lot but it's better now. Sorry to tell you about this!! Blog to everybody tomorrow!!


Another Mistake on Blog and Fourth Day of T.C.

There is a another mistake on my blog. The blog entry that says Fourth Day of Tech Camp has nothing on it, so don't comment on this blog entry. Thank You!! My fourth day of Tech Camp has been really fun I went to the National Cryptological Museum and after every girl got back from this trip we looked at a couple cryptogram game and you can actually create your own and send to your friends by email! The last thing we did today was create bridges which was fun with Mr. Frank. Blog everybody later!!


The National Cryptologial Museum

I'm just got back from my exciting trip to the National Cryptologial Museum. I learned about a cipher which decodes secret messages and a also learned about different countries ciphers, it was so cool! We also got to doa scavenger hunt at the museum but the tour guides gave uas the high school scavenger hunt, no wonder it was diffcult! My parnter and I only got 5 questions anwsered, but it was fun. After this we, anwsered questiton and I got a puzzle called the IQ Circle and I got a NCM pencil. The ride back to AACC was just a hassle. My bus driver was going in all different directions, so it took us almost a hour just to get back. The field trip was fun and I can't wait to go there again. Blog everybody soon!!



7th Grade_Magothy River Middle School (MRMS)

This summer after VBS & Tech Camp I start 7th grade. I start August 25th, 2009 and I go to MRMS which is a very clean and sweet-smelling school that makes me feel right at home. The worst thing is that my brother starts a week after my school starts. He is so lucky. This school year were going to have a 6 Period day with a Blue-White Day & A, B, & C Day! It's going to be a very confusin schedule!! Blog to everybody tommorow!


Parent's 18th Anniversary

My parents celebrated their 18th anniversary on Monday. My mom got a 25th Anniversary of the album Thriller and a picture frame. Cool present!! Their going to their anniversary dinner today which is Wednesday and I think their going to have a romantic night! Blog to everybody later today!!

Third Day of Tech Camp (Redo) & Vacation Bible School

Today in Tech Camp I did a couple of blog entires and we created our own world on a new program to girls in Tech Camp called Alice. This is program is so fun!! I just finished my world and now I'm blogging. A big rainstorm hit the AACC campus and the rain sounds just like the air conditioing in the CALT buliding!! It's a good thing the CALT buliding is shaped a little bit like a boat! After Tech Camp I am volunteering for a summer program at my church it's called Vacation Bible School. The year's program is called Discovery Canyon and I volunteered on a postion called Shadow Science. Shadow Science is a really messy job so I hope I am ready for it. Blog everybody later!


Tech Camp For Girls- Field Trip

Tommorow every girl in Tech Camp will be going to the National Crypotological Museum. My parents acutally work just down the street from where my parents work. They both work at the National Secuity Agency (NSA) for short. All I have to say right now and blog everybody later!


Family, Friends, & Tech Camp for Girls

My family and I went to Akron, Ohio to see my Grandma Crow and my Uncle John that lives with her. I also went to Cedar Point and rode the Millenium Force. It did a 380 ft. drop and it went 90 mph. It hurt my neck but it was worth going on! Before Ohio I visited some of my relatives in Michigan and my cousins Molly & Maddie went to the pool at the hotel we were staying at together and had a bunch of fun! My cousin Isabella went with my Uncle John in the pool and had her floatie device on because she's only 2 years old, she is such a cutie! Tech Camp for Girls is so much fun! Today we are going to create are own world on a program called Alice and yesterday we dowloaded pictures of family and friends onto Mircosoft PowerPoint and got to do fun things with our pictures. Blog to everybody later today!!



Second Day After Tech Camp

Today after Tech camp I saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince again! It was awesome movie I never get tired of Harry Potter movies! Emma Watson is my favorite actress and she is moving overseas which mean she is going to the U.S. to study for college but she isn't done the Harry Potter movies yet I can't wait to the 2-Part Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when it comes out in theaters in 2010 and 2011 but sadly that's a while. Blog to everybody tomorrow!


First and Second Day of Camp

On the first day of camp we went on the internet and did a internet scavenger hunt and I created 3 vokis. Today which was Tuesday we took pictures in the Atrium and went outside to take pictures. We were gone from the room for half and hour. Then we downloaded our 5 favorite pictures and inserted them on Mircosoft Power Point. The last thing we did is publish articles, mine was about dolphins! Blog everybody tomorrow!


FInd About Everything Just Going On This Blog!

About Me

Hey everybody it's pinkroses here telling you about my blog. First of all, I like to write and read so I decided to create a blog. I learned how to create one during a Tech Camp for Girls during the summer before 7th grade. I write to show what I like, what's happening at school, and much more. First of all, I love to read so many books at a time, right now I have about 7 books started (hope I finish all of then by the end of 2011 year!) I also like to write stories when I'm not doing homework or playing the piano. My favorite kind of music is pop and I love to watch movies although I can't eat popcorn (braces.) Anyway, so now that I've told something about me and what I like. Maybe I can have more followers, I have none right now. So check out my blog at http://www.sarasblog-pinkroses.blogspot.com/, so check it out, later!



I love to read and write stories. My favorite subject in school is Math and I play the piano and I am now on Level 3. My favorite kind of music is pop and I love the Harry Potter series. My family and I have all the movies and all the books, all 3 of us are crazed about Harry Potter. My favorite TV show is Wizards of Waverly Place and my favorite movie is all the Harry Potter flims. I love cheese and I hope to go to Wisconsin on vacation someday. I love my family and realtives no matter what. pinkroses