
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hey everybody it's pinkroses here blogging to you viewers on a Friday morning! I meant all of you have heard about the blizzards in the little state of Maryland and our last blizzard just stopped yesterday!! Maryland is a SNOW CITY!!!! Our last blizzard about a week ago didn't knock out my family's power and when our heat went off it wasn't the blizzard that turned it off. The two blizzards Maryland got left over 2 ft. of snow and get this, the part of the state I live in (which is Arnold) suffered most of the two HUGE blizzards snowfall. The two blizzards have been in the news for over a week and most of my relatives are saying were lucky because my parents, brother, and I are not going to school or work for the whole week!!! My dad took some pics outside yesterday and then he sent all the pics to our relatives in other states and two of their family friends. My dad titled the e-mail Let It Snow...Let It Snow...ENOUGH ALREADY!!! Talk about TOOOOOO MUCHHHH SNOW!!!!! The two blizzards made the headlines of the all the newspaper stations in Maryland and everybody is beyond glad that the blizzards are over, (at least they hope!) One last thing before I wrap up this blog entry, I got my two wisdom teeth pulled out last Wednesday and missed only one and half a day of school and the rest I've been enjoying the week and three days off from school!!!! The bad paart is that the more snow days the more its extending in the month of June so right now school is over on the 21st of June, BUMMER!!!!! Hope everybody in the state of Maryland has been enjoying the time off from work and school, see you all later, have to brush teeth, LOVE YOU ALL!!!!



My Fav Science Subject

Hope you like this picture of the solar system! I find space so interesting!!! Even during the summer before 7th grade began, I did a power point on the Sun, galaxies, the 9 planets, and beyond them. My brother thought it was great I was doing a power point during the summer and so did I!! I lost the power point though because our computer (brand is Dell) crashed again and lost everything. No worries though and I am pretty sure I am going to do a power point on space during the summer again before 8th grade. LOVE YOU ALL!!


FInd About Everything Just Going On This Blog!

About Me

Hey everybody it's pinkroses here telling you about my blog. First of all, I like to write and read so I decided to create a blog. I learned how to create one during a Tech Camp for Girls during the summer before 7th grade. I write to show what I like, what's happening at school, and much more. First of all, I love to read so many books at a time, right now I have about 7 books started (hope I finish all of then by the end of 2011 year!) I also like to write stories when I'm not doing homework or playing the piano. My favorite kind of music is pop and I love to watch movies although I can't eat popcorn (braces.) Anyway, so now that I've told something about me and what I like. Maybe I can have more followers, I have none right now. So check out my blog at http://www.sarasblog-pinkroses.blogspot.com/, so check it out, later!



I love to read and write stories. My favorite subject in school is Math and I play the piano and I am now on Level 3. My favorite kind of music is pop and I love the Harry Potter series. My family and I have all the movies and all the books, all 3 of us are crazed about Harry Potter. My favorite TV show is Wizards of Waverly Place and my favorite movie is all the Harry Potter flims. I love cheese and I hope to go to Wisconsin on vacation someday. I love my family and realtives no matter what. pinkroses